Thursday, March 19, 2020

Theme for English B Essay Example

Theme for English B Essay Example Theme for English B Paper Theme for English B Paper Essay Topic: Ross Gay Poetry In his poem, Theme for English B Hughes explains about a paper his Professor tells him to write that comes from within him and it will be a true and honest paper, but Hughes argues that his paper might not be same due to a race difference. To my understanding in Hughes argument no matter how true his paper will be it cannot be the same because he is a colored man while his Instructor is a white man. In line six Hughes already begins to question If writing a paper about himself Is really that simple. He states that he Is twenty two colored and born In Winston-Salem, he also explains were he went to school, and how he Is the only colored student In his school. Here I feel that Hughes Is singling himself out not because he chooses to, but mainly because during his time it was not right for whites and blacks to go to school with one another, so here I saw how Hughes feels that this paper can never be true, because people during this time period were fighting against what was true that blacks and whites were now able to coexist with one another. Hughes also does an amazing comparison just between himself and his Instructor in lines twenty-eight and beyond. But it will be a part of you, instructor. You are white-yet a part of me, as I am part of you. Thats American. These were strong words for a man of his time and era to write and produce. Not only Is he saying that all men of different races are the same, but they are still different In general. Different In not Just the way they look, but also different when It comes to values, and culture. Even though both of these men are of American decent and culture they still have other identities in which they relate to themselves. In Hughes case he was a man of mixed races but saw himself mainly as a black man cause thats what other people naturally portrayed him as. Hughes also states in the poem that he may learn from his white Instructor and they might be apart of each other they sometimes do not want to be. As humans, they both learn from one another and that is what is really true. In the poem Do not go gentle into that good night by Dylan Thomas, he writes about this eerie connection to death and that good night. Also, during the time of this poems existence Thomas father was close to his death when this poem was written, there were many comparisons that I noted relating to that time on his life In this mom. In lines one threw three Thomas writes, Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. I translated these words into a plea to death about his father actually dying. He reels Tanat It Is not Nils Tanners time Ana Tanat 010 age snouts not De Nils reason to go. Thomas is angry about his fathers state in time, his father must have meant so much to him and labeled him as his light. Though wise men at their and know dark is right his father was old and filled with so much wisdom but knew that death came at a eight time for him minus what his son felt. Do not go gentle into that good night here it seemed that Thomas was not ready to let go of his father Just yet, these few words come across as a demand towards him asking him to please not go. Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Here I feel that Thomas truly felt that his father was a good man and this was going to be the last wave goodbye to one another, their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay comes across to me as a memory of some sort they both shared with one ACH other. Thomas has so much anger and rage towards the death of his father. Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight, and learn, too late, they grieved it on its way, Do not go gentle into that good night, his sun/light is finally beginning to take off and Thomas has nothing but grief that is father is making his way into that good night. Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light this paragraph confused me at first, and I did not know how to interpret it. It comes cross that Thomas was metaphorically saying that the light was being drained out of his fathers eyes leaving him with this blind look upon his face. Thomas continues to be upset towards death for taking his father away from him and not allowing him to stay longer. Finally in the last paragraph Thomas writes, And you, my father, there on the sad height, curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray. Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Here once again Thomas does not agree with the leaving of his father to death. He mentions that courage his father ad towards the very end using the metaphor, your fierce tears even thought his father might have possibly appeared afraid he was still brave towards the very end as he lied on his deathbed the sad height. As all of this is happening Thomas never lets us forget towards the end of each paragraph that he is not ready for his father to pass and that he has much anger and rage towards death for taking him away. Despite all of the negativity Thomas never let the memory of his father leave his mind, this must have been such a hard and challenging time for Thomas to loose such an important figure in his life so much hat it affected his poetry. This poem seemed to have such a powerful impact on himself as a writer but as a son as well. He fought against death as much as he could be accepted the fate his father was going to face, each line carried deep and personal meaning to it, Each poem in the end carried and harbored its own message that I hope I clearly understood, race should never be an issue, we are all equals but have differences. Death no matter when it comes can never steal the feelings we all have towards loved ones including what we write and remember.

Monday, March 2, 2020

9 Ways to Say Goodbye in Italian

9 Ways to Say Goodbye in Italian You’ve learned that there’s more than just ciao  when it comes to greeting others in Italian, and now you want to know how to say bye when you leave (the ice cream shop) or un negozio (a store). Here are 9 ways to say goodbye. 1.  Arrivederci! - Goodbye! At the end of a conversation, you can simply say â€Å"arrivederci† and give a wave. While you might see the form â€Å"arrivederla† in textbooks, it’s often too formal- even to use with strangers- so you can stick with this form. On its own, it’s still very polite. 2.  A presto! - See you soon/Talk to you soon You could say this at the end of a friendly meeting with an acquaintance that you bumped into on the street or use it to end an email that you’ve written to a friend. It’s more generic in nature, so it’s great to use when you’re not sure when the next meeting will be. A similar generic phrase would be, â€Å"Alla prossima! - To the next time we meet!† 3.  A domani! - See you tomorrow! This phrase speaks for itself. You use it when you plan on seeing the next person the next day. Feel free to say it to a  barista you plan on seeing again tomorrow for your morning caffà ¨. 4. Ci vediamo presto - We’ll see each other soon This phrase is often used between friends who you plan on seeing later on. You may also hear â€Å"Ci sentiamo presto,†Ã‚  which means, â€Å"We’ll hear from each other soon.† 5. A risentirci  - Until our next meeting This farewell phrase is very formal. It’s often used in office/work language and at the end of phone calls as a polite closing form. The formal form of this phrase is, â€Å"A risentirla.† 6. Torni presto! - Come again soon! This is something you might hear from a friend you made while on your trip. It will most likely be followed by a hearty â€Å"buon viaggio! - have a good trip!†Ã‚  In the informal, it would be â€Å"Torna presto,†Ã‚  and you may even hear â€Å"Torna presto a trovarci! - Come again to visit us soon!† 7.  Mi à ¨ piaciuto molto  - I enjoyed myself very much While this isnt a traditional phrase for saying goodbye, it is a great one to use if you want to start wrapping up a social event, like a friend showing you around his or her city. If you want to add something extra, you can also say: â€Å"È stata una bella giornata/serata. - It was a beautiful day/night.† 8.  Buonanotte! - Goodnight! The best time to say â€Å"buonanotte† to someone is right before they’re going to bed. If you’re leaving a social situation and you want to wish someone a good night, it’s best to stick with â€Å"Buona serata,† which means, â€Å"Have a good evening.† 9.  Buon viaggio! - Have a good trip! This is a great phrase to use when someone tells you that they’re going on a trip or are returning back home. If you’re visiting Italy, it’s one that you’ll hear often once you announce that you’re returning home. The â€Å"buon noun† structure is used very often in Italian, and other phrases you’ll hear that help end conversations are: Buon proseguimento! - Enjoy the rest of (whatever action you were doing before the conversation started)!Buono studio! - Enjoy studying!Buon lavoro! - Enjoy working!Buona giornata! - Enjoy your day!Buona serata! - Enjoy your evening!Buon divertimento! - Have fun!Buon rientro! - Have a safe trip back home!